
미해군 계급 영어

Begi 2020. 6. 2. 20:05

미해군의 계급은 다음과 같다.


계급 영어 명칭 한글 번역
Admiral of the Navy 해군 대원수
Fleet Admiral 해군 원수
Admiral 대장
Vice Admiral 중장
Rear Admiral (upper half) 소장
Rear Admiral (lower half) 준장
Captain 대령
Commander 중령
Lieutenant Commander 소령
Lieutenant 대위
Lieutenant Junior Grade 중위
Ensign 소위
Chief Warrant Officer Five 준위5
Chief Warrant Officer Four 준위4
Chief Warrant Officer Three 준위3
Chief Warrant Officer Two 준위2
Warrant Officer One 준위1
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy 해군 최고주임원사
Fleet/Force Master Chief Petty Officer 주임원사
Command Master Chief Petty Officer 원사
Master Chief Petty Officer 일등상사
Command Senior Chief Petty Officer 선임상사
Senior Chief Petty Officer 상사
Chief Petty Officer 일등중사
Petty Officer First Class 중사
Petty Officer Second Class 일등하사
Petty Officer Third Class 하사
Seaman 상등병
Seaman Apprentice 일등병
Seaman Recruit 이등병


☞ 미육군 계급

